
Every now and then we publish our thoughts on latest trends, solutions, and digital topics.

Five Things to Consider When Creating a Chinese Digital Marketing Plan

Digital marketing in China is made up of a completely different set of online platforms, which can be intimidating for foreign companies who are just starting their Chinese digital marketing plans.

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The Home Textiles Social Media Kit

With no trade shows in sight and retailers and brands now led by a new generation of buyers that expect more of their suppliers, social media can play a key role for home textiles manufacturers and brands.

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Does Your Website Perform?

In today’s digital world, we search first and speak later. Whether you like it or not, your website is often your first impression with prospective clients and partners.

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Five Reasons Why Testing Is Critical

One of the most important benefits of routinely testing is cost-effectiveness: it saves you money in the long run. Keep on reading to find out how.

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Is Your Digital Marketing Ready For Your Next Trade Show?

Whether you’re considering exhibiting at your first-ever trade show or there are many events in your event marketing strategy, creating a marketing plan is critical to your success.

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Why Your Company Needs a Content Marketing Strategy

People will have an opinion (or lack of) regardless of what you do, but it’s content strategy that gives you the power to lead the conversation and drive business objectives.

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Should My Manufacturing Company Start Selling Direct-To-Consumer?

As more and more manufacturers choose to skip the middleman, we take a look at the pros and cons and why you must start thinking like a digitally-native DTC regardless of your decision.

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How Does SEO Work And Why Should I Care?

The average search query returns thousands or even millions of results. The first five results will typically get 67% of all clicks, while results that show up on the second page get less than 6% of all clicks.

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