Kyle Knapp

Kyle oversees account management and new business, partnering with clients to create tailored digital marketing plans and content that generates results and actionable insights. He has developed successful strategies and campaigns for companies in a wide array of industries across North America, Asia, and Europe.

Q&A with Permutive’s Brett Goverman: The Death of the Third-Party Cookie

We examine what a cookieless world means for the future of digital advertising, and what publishers and brands need to be ready for a new marketing landscape.

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Did Apple Kill Email Marketing?

Whether or not Apple’s new privacy features really are well intentioned, or they’re just further trapping us into their walled garden, privacy and permission based marketing is here to stay.

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What Is Intent Data and Should My Company Be Using It?

Like most martech nowadays, you’ll read about how intent data will dramatically boost your conversions and sales. This is certainly possible, but how you implement the data into your strategy is key.

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How B2B Companies Can Survive Without Trade Shows And Events

With so many global trade shows and conferences canceled, or moved to virtual, the need to find alternative ways to engage with customers is higher than ever.

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Does Your Website Perform?

In today’s digital world, we search first and speak later. Whether you like it or not, your website is often your first impression with prospective clients and partners.

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Is Your Digital Marketing Ready For Your Next Trade Show?

Whether you’re considering exhibiting at your first-ever trade show or there are many events in your event marketing strategy, creating a marketing plan is critical to your success.

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Should My Manufacturing Company Start Selling Direct-To-Consumer?

As more and more manufacturers choose to skip the middleman, we take a look at the pros and cons and why you must start thinking like a digitally-native DTC regardless of your decision.

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